
Kim Jong Un’s 2019 New Year Address: Full English Text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | KOREAN TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear people and service personnel of the People’s Army across the country, Dear compatriots, Dear comrades and friends, Having seen out the year 2018, in which we adorned the history of the motherland, the revolution and the nation with meaningful […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2019 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 사랑하는 온 나라 인민들과 인민군장병들! 동포형제자매들! 동지들과 벗들! 우리는 지울수 없는 또 한번의 력사의 깊은 발자취를 남기며 조국과 혁명, 민족사에 뜻깊은 사변들이 아로새겨진 2018년을 보내고 희망의 꿈을 안고 새해 2019년을 맞이하였습니다. 새해에 즈음하여 나는 격동적인 지난해의 나날들에 우리 당과 숨결과 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2019 New Year Address

FULL SPEECH TEXT: KOREAN | ENGLISH Kim Jong Un began 2019 with a threat to U.S. President Donald Trump, who he had met just a few months earlier in Singapore. North Korea would, Kim said, seek a different path from its commitment to denuclearize unless the U.S. held up its part of the bargain and […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2018 New Year Address: Full English Text

Return to speech index | Korean TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear fellow countrymen and brave service personnel of the People’s Army, Dear compatriots, Today, recollecting with great pleasure and pride and deep emotion the proud achievements we performed last year through our diligent and worthwhile labour and sincere efforts and […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2018 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 사랑하는 온 나라 인민들과 영용한 인민군장병들! 동포형제 여러분! 오늘 우리모두는 근면하고 보람찬 로동으로, 성실한 땀과 노력으로 지나간 한해에 자신들이 이루어놓은 자랑스러운 일들을 커다란 기쁨과 자부심속에 감회깊이 추억하며 새로운 희망과 기대를 안고 새해 2018년을 맞이합니다. 나는 희망의 새해를 맞이하면서 온 나라 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2018 New Year Address

Full speech text: Korean | English Kim Jong Un’s 2018 speech offered a mix of hope and a mix of fear. The young leader declared he had a nuclear button on his desk and the U.S. fell within range of his missiles, while also offering to send a team to the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2017 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 친애하는 동지들! 우리는 주체혁명사에 일찌기 없었던 위대한 번영의 새 력사를 창조하며 하루하루를 격동적인 투쟁의 날과 날로 빛내인 2016년을 보내고 새해 2017년을 맞이합니다. 위대한 인민이 안아온 자랑찬 기적의 위대한 한해를 긍지높이 돌이켜보는 뜻깊은 이 자리에서 나는 당과 사상도 뜻도 의지도 하나가 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2017 New Year Address: Full English Text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | KOREAN TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear Comrades,     Having seen out 2016, in which we glorified each and every day with gigantic struggle, creating a new history of great prosperity unprecedented in the history of the Juche revolution, we are seeing in the new year 2017. […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2017 New Year Address

FULL SPEECH TEXT: KOREAN | ENGLISH The 2017 speech was most notable for Kim Jong Un’s announcement that “We have reached the final stage in preparations to test-launch in intercontinental ballistic rocket.” The announcement followed two nuclear tests in 2016 and came less than a month before Donald Trump’s inauguration as President. It immediately highlighted […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2016 New Year Address: Full English Text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | KOREAN TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear comrades, Filled with the dignity and self-respect of being victors, who have set up a shining milestone in the history of the glorious Workers’ Party of Korea and our country, we are greeting the New Year 2016. In reflection […]

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