
Kim Jong Un’s 2015 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 친애하는 동지들! 우리는 승리의 신심드높이 비약하며 전진하는 위대한 조선의 기상과 위용을 뚜렷이 과시한 2014년을 보내고 희망찬 새해 2015년을 맞이합니다. 나는 전체 인민군장병들과 인민들의 다함없는 충정의 마음을 담아 우리 인민의 영원한 수령이시며 주체의 태양이신 위대한 수령님과 위대한 장군님께 가장 숭고한 경의와 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2015 New Year Address

FULL SPEECH TEXT: KOREAN | ENGLISH The big news out of Kim Jong Un’s 2015 speech was his acceptance of an offer by South Korea to resume stalled high-level talks. The proposal had only been made a few days before the end of 2014. “We think that it is possible to resume the suspended high-level […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2014 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 친애하는 동지들! 사랑하는 인민군장병들과 전체 인민들, 동포형제 여러분! 우리는 주체혁명의 성스러운 진군길에 뚜렷한 자욱을 아로새긴 2013년을 보내고 앞날에 대한 확신과 혁명적자부심에 넘쳐 새해 2014년을 맞이합니다. 나는 먼저 전체 인민군장병들과 인민들의 한없는 그리움과 뜨거운 경모의 정을 담아 위대한 김일성동지와 김정일동지께 가장 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2014 New Year Address: Full English Text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | KOREAN TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear comrades, Dear service personnel of the Korean People’s Army, all the people and other compatriots, Having seen out 2013, a year in which we left a remarkable footprint on the road of the sacred march of the Juche revolution, […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2014 New Year Address

FULL SPEECH TEXT: KOREAN | ENGLISH Kim Jong Un’s second new year speech as leader came less than a month after the bombshell arrest, trial and execution of his uncle, Jang Song Thaek. During the speech, Kim chose to comment on the issue and that became the major headline in the world’s media. “We took […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2013 New Year Address: Full English Text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | KOREAN TEXT English translation by the Korean Central News Agency. Dear comrades, Officers and men of the heroic People’s Army and all the beloved fellow countrymen, Dear compatriots, Having seen out the year 2012 characterized by the events that will go down in the history of the nation, we are […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2013 New Year Address: Full Korean text

RETURN TO SPEECH INDEX | ENGLISH TEXT As carried by the Korean Central News Agency. 친애하는 동지들! 영용한 인민군장병들과 사랑하는 온 나라 전체 인민들! 그리운 동포형제 여러분! 우리는 조국력사에 특기할 사변들로 빛나게 아로새겨진 2012년을 보내고 원대한 포부와 최후승리에 대한 신심에 넘쳐 새해 2013년을 맞이합니다. 나는 먼저 전체 인민군장병들과 인민들의 한결같은 경모의 마음을 담아 민족의 어버이이시며 […]


Kim Jong Un’s 2013 New Year Address

FULL SPEECH TEXT: KOREAN | ENGLISH This was the first year Kim Jong Un delivered a televised new year address to the North Korean people and the first such broadcast since Kim Il Sung delivered one in 1994, just seven months before his death. In the interim years under the rule of Kim Jong Il, […]

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